I love the undeniable confidence that Eva carries, nothing holds an obstacle to great to achieve. Fear is something that is unknown in her reality. As her mother I am constantly amazed at the boldness and zeal she holds for life. She inspires me to desire only faith and belief in who she is, in who I am!
I am so thankful that I have been given this privilege to speak over her life what she is; fearless, pure, perfect, righteous, loving, caring, beautiful. (and so much more). What she knows about herself, what she knows God thinks of her, and what she knows we believe to be true about her.. is what she will radiate.
This saying I wanted her post in her room "Perfectly Perfect", because I wanted those words to penetrate her very being. So I made a sign to hang in her room, and the funniest thing is that every morning when I go to pick her up out of bed I find that sign in her crib. She has been sleeping with it... I thought that was awesome. Even though she has no clue about what the sign actually says, it seems to be something that is very special to her.
That's the power of speaking the truth, sometimes we don't know why we desire the it.
I think its because it's the "Truth that sets us Free" to be who we are, which is who HE is!
Hi Kara! I'm Christina :) Yay I found your blog! My dad works with your mother-in-law and he's told me about you and your little family. My husband Jesse and I are moving to Canada in April - so nice to meet other bloggers in Canada. Eva is cute :) Bless you guys,