Saturday, 18 June 2011

From Ground Beef to Ground Sausage

I am not a big Ground Beef person, I can't stand the chewy fat pieces and all the grease that comes out of the meat. The smell is overwhelming, and the taste is bland if you don't add flavours/spices. I only cook it because Dave likes Spaghetti Bolognese, but then I usually make myself a sauce with vegetables.
I have recently discovered Ground Sausage, and I can't get enough of it. I love the flavours, the lack of fat/grease, and the texture. It's not too expensive either, all you have to do is squeeze it out of the casings and cook with a little olive oil.
I find its nice to have another kind of meat to cook in pasta dishes, other than ground beef and chicken.

So here are a few links to a couple good recipes with Ground Sausage,

I hope you can come to enjoy the wonders of Ground Sausage as much as I have.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Super Energy and Antioxidants Smoothie

I just wanted to share with you, something that has quickly become a family favourite... SMOOTHIES!! Not just any smoothie, but a drink packed with Vitamins, Iron, Antioxidants, and a good serving of your daily fruits and vegetables.
Dave and I have kinda been feeling exhausted when we wake up in the mornings, and then again half way through the afternoon. So I knew our bodies were lacking in energy, needed for each day.

So I found these really awesome Smoothies, with ingredients that may make you go, "Yuck, that sounds nasty," but you will be surprised how amazing they taste and what a difference you will feel.

1 cup of mixed berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries)

1 banana ( We go through heaps of bananas in the Belgrave home, so I buy heaps some to eat and some to freeze in ziplock bags.)

1/4 cup of carrot juice

1/4 cup of apple juice

1 tbsp honey

1 handful of spinach (fresh or frozen)

Put in a blender and mix er up! I send them to work with Dave in a travel mug. And if my husband will drink them, they gotta be good!  The first few drinks I made for him I didn't tell him what was in it, because I know it would be a mind over matter thing. So once I found out he really liked them and was enjoying them, I revealed all my secrets.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Endorsing "Baby can Read"

I am  a firm believer of the Children's Dvd Series "Baby Can Read". "Baby Can Read" is a dvd series for ages 3 months to 5 years. It's suppose to help give children a head start in learning to read, communicate, and inspire a curiosity to learn. I started the dvd set with Eva when she was 8 months old and now she is 15 months and has a steady growing vocabulary of 30 words. I can't believe her determination to try and say new words. She's always watching our mouths and giving each new word she hears a try. I didn't see results right away with Baby Can Read, but my persistence with the program I can now see has paid off.  Eva is trying to talk heaps and I love that when she says a new word, the expression of excitement and proud look of achievement are beaming on her face.

We are now learning how to use those words to communicate with each other instead of just using them to define an object.  I believe that kids confidence in themselves begins growing at a young age, what a blessing it has been to be able to give her that extra boost and head start on her learning.

I have also found Eva loves learning outdoors as well, she loves to be visually stimulated and be hands on. Like picking up rocks and throwing them, smelling flowers, picking dandelions, walking up driveways, watching birds, and pointing to the sun.

You can find more information @

Im completely sold on this product and will be using it with all our children. I just wanted to share my success with this product, for other parents out there that also want to cease the window of learning with their children.