Thursday, 24 March 2011

Venturing Into Mommyhood.

When i think back all the emotions i was feeling when i found out the news of the new addition to our family. I was overwhelmed with excitement and joy, then at the same time fear of all the unknowns. Thankful that in that moment i felt the incredible love and grace of God that all that fear diminished.  Fear was replaced with peace and trust. I knew at that moment that God was knitting our little girl together in my womb. 

Pregnancy was indescribable, the emotions, the movements, the feelings of carrying life inside your tummy. 
I pray that every woman gets to experience that at some point in their life... thee most amazing gift! 

9 months seemed like an eternity, all i wanted to do was hold perfection in my arms, kiss her and tell her she is beautiful.

Then suddenly March 1, 2010 all my dreams can true, I birthed the new love of our life.... Eva Rae Belgrave. 
It was in that moment it felt like the world stopped and all that remained was the love we had for the new life God had blessed us with. I felt all the love we had for one another, and all the love we had experienced in our relationship with God suddenly gravitated to our daughter. I remember moments of holding Eva after returning home, looking at her with tears in our eyes... thanking God for this breathtaking gift that he has entrusted us with. An angel straight from heaven, i was holding in my arms. God never seized to confirm that to us, with numerous encounters of Gold Dust all over Eva's body....  those are moments when you know heaven all around. 

Watching Eva grow up and discover new things, i sit back in amazement of the wonder she displays. I see the very nature of Christ illuminating from her. That bright smile and contagious laugh always seems to come at the right time. 

My favourite moments are catching her laughing at nothing in particular, but in what seems like uncontrollable laughter. Its like God is having his own personal time with her, giving her JOY like a fountain. 
I love being the one to pick her up out of the crib in the morning and after naps, the excitement of seeing me is plastered all over her face, she can't contain herself.. its like we have both been waiting for this moment. We walk out of the room together and she starts laughing and piercing her lips together going "hoo hoo hoo" We sit down to enjoy a moment together and next thing i know she is looking in the distance waving, with a big smile on her face. In my mind, she's visiting with angels. Sometimes I wish I could join her in what she sees and feels. But i feel honoured the be a part of those precious moments. 

My little girl is almost one, where has the time gone. It was almost a year ago, i was counting down the days till i could meet her.. thinking every night could be the NIGHT! And now a year has passed us by, so with no regrets thus far we confidently walk into another joyous year of motherhood. Watching and waiting for those encounters that make my heart melt. 
I feel like I have found my destiny, to enjoy the wonderful blessings from God.. my wonderful loving husband and my beautiful daughter. With my heart exploding with love, and my head held high i fully jump into everything God has for me in my Journey into Mommyhood. 

Feel free to join me in this journey, in posting some of your own memories or proud mommy moments. I just want to share my heart with you and what God teaches me along the way.  


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