Sunday, 17 April 2011



I had to post this video of Eva's first time playing with bubbles, because it reminded me of a statement my Grade 7 teacher used to always write on the chalkboard. "K.I.S.S".... meaning "Keep It Super Simple"(my variation). Sometimes its the simplest things in life that may seem silly or ridiculous turn out to be the most fun! Having Eva has brought me back to the basic's, the simplicity of life. That everyday is an adventure and there is always something to be learnt or discovered. Life is all about what you make of it, so keep it super simple and fun by not allowing yourself to feel too "Grown up" in the midst of it.  I want to nurture Eva's childlikeness and if I don't bring mine out how will she grow in discovering hers.  I love how we can learn from each other, what a beautiful relationship parents and children share.

Here's to Keeping It Super Simple......
Dave crawling on the floor with Eva, chasing each other with toys hanging out of their mouths. Simple, yet became hours of entertainment.

Watching morning cartoons together, has so quickly become a ritual we enjoy together. I could sit there for hours just watching her, intently watch the TV screen. 

Blocks are so much more fun with Daddy, he builds it tall and Eva knocks it over. Then the whole procedure starts again. 

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Freedom to Create - (finished and up & coming projects)

A friend of mine passed through some cute little craft ideas to do for Eva's Bedroom. Things that would keep me busy during the evenings while Eva is in bed, and Dave is studying.  So over the last couple of weeks I have been playing around with my creative side. Thought I would share the finished results. 

Butterfly Mobile

This was the project Desiree and I got into one afternoon. 

This is the next project I would like to get started on, gotta love butterflies!! 

I love being creative, I think we limit our ability to be crafty by not stretching ourselves. I think we all have a creative side, it just will be expressed through different forms of art. I think if God has a creative nature then my ability to be create, dream, and produce must be endless!! 
  I can't wait till Eva gets older and we can do crafts together. I am going to be one of those mums with her kids crafts posted all over her house, I want them to be proud of themselves and never ashamed by what they come up with. There should be such freedom and in being creative, what is simple to one person may be majestic to another.  I am so thankful that my parents encouraged and praised my artwork when I was little.. because those words still bring me motivation to try new things.